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10 Ways to create rest each day for just 5 minutes

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Busy & overwhelmed right now? Your usual self care routine falling to the side? Instead of seeing self care as a huge thing to add to your overflowing 'todo' list, why not break it into 5min chunks of dedicated and focused time to relax. Every little helps right?

⭐️ Set your timer if you need to, but pop your phone on 'do not disturb' for just 5 minutes (longer if you can of course!). Shut yourself away, take a comfortable seat and close your eyes. begin to focus on your breath, noticing the inhales and the exhales. Focus on the flow of air going in and out of your body. Count the breath in and out.

⭐️ Take a foot soak. Add some warm water to a bowl - you can make it really special by adding your favourite essential oil, some flower petals, dead sea salt, crystals. Sit back, close your eyes and relax - again for as little or as long as you can.

⭐️ Take a guided meditation. There are many apps available that include guided meditations depending on your intentions. YouTube also has a mountain of free ones. There are also lots of wellbeing practitioners like me who have regular live meditation sessions. Mix it up if you can or want to 😊️

⭐️ Acknowledge you're a human'being' not human'doing'. Allow yourself to take that in and just be for a moment.

⭐️ Connect to a Mudra. The most ancient part of yoga was found in Mudras. They focus the mind and connect you to an energy of inner peace. My personal favourite is the Lotus Mudra. Look it up and sit with the mantra - 'I can blossom & bloom in any environment'.

⭐️ Take a few minutes of yoga asana - yoga doesn't have to be a formal class. Maybe take 'cat/cow' for just 5 minutes moving with your breath flow.

⭐️Take the Restorative yoga asana of 'legs up the wall'. Not only will you receive rest, you'll be balancing your blood pressure, supporting tired legs and feet, improving your circulation and receiving any headaches.

⭐️ Get some fresh air. Even if it's sitting in front of an open window for 5 mins focusing on the sounds and sights outside.

⭐️ Do some mindful colouring.

⭐️ Just have a lit down. If you are that desperate to rest and your body is asking you too, allow yourself to lie down. Set an alarm if you need to. A short power nap or relax can really benefit during times of un-relentless tasks and stress.

I hope these help spark an idea to help you find rest today 💗

If you're looking to find more ways to bring rest into your life, I would recommend joining the Serenity Experience. A 6 month, online group experience that will teach you how to find calm in any storm. Click here for further info OR book a free alignment call to explore if it's the right fit for you.

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